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Author: Matin Khadem

  • Risk of data in cloud and Shared responsibility model

    An average enterprise organization experiences 31.3 cloud security related security threats each month and these include: Insider threats (Accidental or malicious) Privileged user threat Threats arising from compromised accounts – Mcafee(2019)   Cloud services provide organizations the opportunity to quickly scale and be agile with available resources. Cloud services could be any of Software as…

  • Business Continuity Over Backup

    Did you know a data loss event is a life or death situation especially for small and medium businesses? 50% of small businesses have reported experiencing downtime at some point in the past and on average cost between $82,000 and $256,000 for a single event. Depending on company size & recovery duration, this could cost…

  • The Importance of Software-as-a-service (SaaS) Protection

    Many organizations understand the risks on-premise data are exposed to during business operations. Business models have been changed over time and many companies now use SaaS platforms incorporated into operations due to the flexibility they offer. Unfortunately, most are yet to understand the vulnerability of SaaS data loss which are at very similar levels to…

  • Why You Need A Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

     Did you know that in a recent technology survey of 1000 companies in North America & Europe, 44% of businesses planned to increase IT spending budget in 2020 and the most common factors for this change in North America as reported by respondents include: need to upgrade outdated infrastructure (71%), increased security concerns (50%) –…

  • Why Sub-Metering Solutions are Important?

    Did you know that utility rates are expected to increase over the next few years, and have been on the rise across Canada since 2015? On average, it is expected that residential building rates will increase at 1.2% and for industrial users, rates could increase by 2% yearly. Commercial and Industrial rates are expected to…

  • Hanatech Sub-Metering Solution

      In a report from National Science and Technology Council on Submetering of Building Water and Power Usage, it was found that: “Numerous case studies provide evidence that the ROI [on installing submeters] can be significant…Further, submetering provides the necessary infrastructure for more advanced conservation and efficiency techniques.” It is mentioned that the saving can…
